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managed-street Component

The managed-street component manages the creation, updating, and synchronization of one or more street-segments in a 3D environment. It provides a high-level interface for handling street layouts, including support for importing from various data sources and managing street segments.

User Interface

A custom sidebar in 3DStreet Editor allows users to edit a subset of managed-street component properties.

  • Street Length: Users can modify the overall length of the street through a numeric input field. This change is propagated to all segments simultaneously.
  • Labels: A toggle control to enable or disable street labels for better visualization and identification of segments.

Managed Street Sidebar


lengthnumber60The length of the street in meters
sourceTypestringnullThe type of source data (streetmix-url, streetplan-url, or json-blob)
sourceValuestringnullThe value corresponding to the sourceType (URL or JSON string)
synchronizebooleanfalseWhen set to true, triggers a refresh from the source

Data Source Support

Streetmix URL

Supports importing street layouts from Streetmix URLs:

<a-entity managed-street="sourceType: streetmix-url; sourceValue:"></a-entity>

Streetplan URL

Supports importing street layouts from Streetplan JSON URLs:

<a-entity managed-street="sourceType: streetplan-url; sourceValue: https://..."></a-entity>


Supports direct JSON configuration:

<a-entity managed-street="sourceType: json-blob; sourceValue: '{...}'"></a-entity>

JSON Schema

If json-blob sourceType is used, the component expects street data in Managed Street JSON format:

name: string, // Name of the street
width: number, // Total width in meters
length: number, // Length in meters
segments: [{ // Array of segment objects
type: string, // Segment type (e.g., 'drive-lane')
width: number, // Width in meters
name: string, // Display name
level: number, // Vertical offset (0 or 1)
direction: string, // 'inbound', 'outbound', or 'none'
color: string, // Hex color code
surface: string, // Surface type (e.g., 'asphalt')
generated?: { // Optional generated content
striping?: array, // Striping configurations
clones?: array // Clone configurations

For additional details on Managed Street JSON, see the full documentation here..


This component automatically adds the following components if they don't exist:

  • street-align
  • street-ground
  • street-label


Event NameDescriptionEvent Detail
segments-changedFired when segments are added, removed, or modified{changeType, property?, segment?, oldValue?, newValue?, added?, removed?}


insertSegment(index, type, segmentObject)

Inserts a new street segment at the specified index.

// Example
const street = document.querySelector('[managed-street]');
street.components['managed-street'].insertSegment(0, 'drive-lane', {
width: 3,
level: 0,
direction: 'outbound',
color: '#FFFFFF',
surface: 'asphalt'


  • index (number): The position to insert the segment
  • type (string): The segment type (e.g., 'drive-lane', 'bike-lane')
  • segmentObject (object, optional): Configuration object for the segment


Reloads and parses data from the specified source.

const street = document.querySelector('[managed-street]');


  • The component automatically handles the positioning and alignment of segments
  • Segments are automatically centered around the x-axis
  • Width calculations are performed in meters
  • The component maintains internal state of managed entities for performance

Known Limitations

  • Source URLs must be accessible and return valid JSON
  • Some segment types may have limited support for certain features
  • The component is currently in beta and APIs may change